Creatrix (repost from ‘21)
Perhaps you’ve heard this word before, but what does it really mean?
Hello All! I recently read the most wonderful excerpt from Lucy H. Pearce’s book “Creatrix: She Who Makes”. The excerpt explains the authors definition of the word creatrix and it inspired me so I thought I’d share. Here’s the bit that really hit home:
Creatrix is more than just a fancy name for a female artist. She is artist plus…artist plus priestess, artist plus healer, artist plus activist: her work has both sacred and worldly dimensions. She is an energy worker first and foremost, weaving energy into form, colour, words and sound, in order to transform herself and those her creations touch.
What does it mean to live a life in service to your creativity, and in direct connection to the creative source?
— Lucy H. Pearce
Isn’t that awesome?! I absolutely love this. To me being a creatrix is just that, having one foot in the enchanted world and one foot in the disenchanted (read: ”normal”) world. It’s “both/and” instead of “either/or”. I’m also constantly adjusting my life to spend the most time possible in communion with creativity.
For years and years and years I’ve been searching for a word for what I want to do and become that doesn’t feel stifling or completely inadequate. “Artist” and “scientist” both come close but still they feel limiting, especially as I have gotten further down the path. “Creatrix”, especially the definition outlined by Pearce, comes much closer to how I FEEL as a creative being. I can’t be boxed!
So as a Creatrix I am not only an artist, teacher, healer or writer and you needn’t be either. We get to be all of these things and more, “creatrix” holds it all. With stepping into this more fully, I can even let go of the scared voice that is afraid of being seen or judged. Loving that voice is part of the healing and embodiment of the creatrix archetype. If you have this scared voice also, allow it to be there as you step into your power as a creatrix, undefinable and unrepeatable.
Continuing to step into this role/energy/archetype means appreciating the power of finding the others! A huge piece of weaving this reality of “both/and” is COMMUNITY! Community enriches and supports us, I’m finding great comfort in communing and cocreating with others. When we come together and support one another it can feel like a booster for our dreams! Being a member of a community is inspiring indeed and can help each Creatrix step more fully into their/her own power.
I hope this definition was as interesting to you as it was to me. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
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Photo credit: Julia Caesar