Universe Moment
So on this months New Moon, not that it matters, I had quite the “universe experience”. This is a term I use to refer to strange, synchronicitous or eerie moments. This particular experience came at just the right time, as all universe experiences do.
On the evening in question I was, as per usual, perusing the shelves of a bookstore. I was having an odd day punctuated by thoughts like “What am I doing with my LIFE?!” and other such nonsense. I looked up and all of a sudden a book practically yelled at me, “BRENNAH! Pick me up and read me! You don’t know it yet but we are friends”, it seemed to say. I picked up a copy of ’The Crossroads of Should and Must’ by Elle Luna and proceeded to sit and read it cover to cover.
The work begins with a page explaining that the book most likely ended up in my hands at the perfect moment. Say what you want about these kind of things but I personally love bold statements like that and generally regard them to be true. I felt a chill as I turned the page, feeling pretty connected to this work before I really even knew what it was about.
After reading it, in about an hour or so, I was stunned. It said so many things that I really needed to hear and touched me in a way I can’t quite explain. As you could guess from the title, the book talks about how everyone is pushed and pulled by external and internal things they feel they should do and that one of the tricks of life is to discover your ‘must’, the things that you know you have to do from someplace deep within yourself. I have been thinking a ton about my own shoulds and musts and how the heck I can get closer to living in a way that feels even more purposeful and meaningful. My must is to give back to this world and contribute in a way that uplifts others through creativity.
I feel, like we all do, that there are lots of things I should be doing. I have been traveling for almost four months now and will be traveling through the end of this year. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give in, go home, get another day job and a home base and exist in a more normal way. But somehow I feel as though I simply must keep traveling, at least for a while longer. The world is too big and cool to give up on just yet.
In any case, at the end of the book there was the expected ‘About the Author’ page. I saw the website elleluna.com listed and decided I must visit the page (even though my phone was about to die and my mind told me I should do a couple other things before it did). When I arrived at her webpage, I realized the coolest thing. Elle Luna had also written the work ‘Your Story is Your Power, Free your feminine Voice’. This made me stop in my tracks because just last week, in a totally different bookstore that book had reached out and grabbed me. It had inspired me to write about the experience of flipping through it and a personal and a bit embarrassing realization I had related to it.
I couldn't believe that in the same week, in two different bookstores I picked up two of this woman's works and had been totally lit on fire by both of them. I had been begging, praying, asking, wondering what I should do and why I should trust this urge to write down my experiences. At just the right moment inspiration struck me like a lightning bolt... twice. Over time, during my travels I have developed the courage to begin self-publishing the material you are reading right now.
I was so grateful that, on the new moon, at the beginning of my month (technically the 9th of September), I had been pulled to pick up this work. Maybe you had to be there, but the fact that I trusted that I must look at her website made me realize that this person had already inspired me to start putting my words out there again. It was pretty cool. As you could guess I highly recommend this work. If you feel a pull to do something meaningful with your life or if you feel you already know what you must do but are scared shitless to actually do it, then please find this book. Read it and enjoy it and let it comfort you. I am a lover of books but even those who could care less about paper and the smell of books could benefit from getting a copy of this. I wish you good luck with finding your must. If you listen carefully I’m sure eventually what you must do will become apparent. Thank you for reading and going on this journey with me to share one of my own musts. Maybe these words have also found you at just the right time.